Native NZ Kawakawa Tea is a refreshing health tonic. The list of Kawakawa's medicinal uses is long and used as Maori medicine for wide health benefits. Kawakawa tea has a strong ability to cleansing blood, therefore- detoxing, helps with Arthritis and healing skin from within. Kawakawa could be used to rinse the mouth after tooth dentistry, supporting digestive and circulatory systems or just nice to have a relaxing ME-Time, sitting outside with your favorite view and breeze of fresh New Zealand air...just imaging how you get revitalized with every sip.
- Kawakawa traditionally used by Maori for healing eczema and psoriasis, insect bites, bruises, and wounds. Kawakawa contains Myristicin a natural pain-numbing constituent. It has anesthetic and analgesic properties for rapid relief of itchy skin, pain, and inflammation. The wide range of active constituents in Kawakawa makes it a complex and powerful medicine, that helps to reduce inflammation and irritation, cramping and spasm. It is anti-microbial and improves circulation.
Kawakawa TEA