Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy uses natural powerful essential oils for their therapeutic properties. Essential oils are tiny molecular masses, that penetrate the skin, are picked up by capillaries, and are distributed throughout the body.
v Pharmacologically- absorbed through the skin, induce the healing process…
v Psychologically- affect our mind and provoke a positive response…
v Physiologically- relieve the symptoms of stress…
Beneficial for adults and children to balance hormones, and enzymes, stimulate the Immune and Lymphatic system, circulation, Respiratory system, Nervous system, Reproductive system, Skin, and Musculoskeletal system
vBack pain, Inflammation, Injury, Arthritis
vCough, Cold, Flu
Edema, Eliminating toxins, Stimulate kidneys, detoxifies Liver
vPMS, Menopause, Stress, Depression, and more
Olia Alpatskaya is a qualified and experienced Aromatherapist.
Book your treatment online or by phone 0276522256